British Spine Registry
The British Spine Registry was set up by the British Association of Spinal Surgeons to monitor the outcomes of spinal procedures. The registry enables us to collect valuable and insightful data to better understand procedures, techniques and a patient’s experience and quality of life.
I ask all of my surgical patients for their consent to enter their details into the British Spine Registry.
What is a registry?
A registry collects large volumes of valid clinical and patient outcome data for all who undergo particular operations. The information collected is analysed to increase our understanding of an operation’s success. The British Spine Registry (BSR) is a web-based database for the collection of information about Spinal Surgery in the UK.
The registry helps me and other medical practitioners understand more about spinal procedures and how to better improve patient care for you and future patients.
The data is also used to influence decision making, to improve patient safety and ensure me and the hospitals have feedback about their performance so we can continuously improve.
What information is collected?
Details of your spinal diagnosis, operation and complications will be recorded on the BSR by me. Personal details included, but not limited to, your name, address and telephone number are gathered, but they will never be shared with any other third party or used for anything other than anonymised research and data analysis.
What is consent?
Your consent will allow the British Spine Registry (BSR) to examine details of your diagnosis, surgical procedure, any complications, your outcome after surgery and your questionnaires. These are known as 'service evaluations' or 'audits'. You will be consented separately for any other research studies where specific data may be collected using the Registry.
What do I have to do?
If you choose to consent, you will be asked for your email address. At intervals before and after your spinal procedure, you will be emailed some simple questionnaires to complete. These questionnaires are important for me to understand what affect your treatment may have had on your activity levels, your symptoms and your quality of life.
Do I have to give my consent?
No. If you do not consent, your personal details will still be stored on the BSR, but without any outcome data. This is in order for clinicians to capture the details of all of their operations. If you do not consent to the BSR holding your personal details, you will have to opportunity to discuss this with me in the clinic.
Is my information safe?
Your personal details are kept confidential at all times. Very strict rules and secure procedures are in place to ensure that your information is kept safe. You can ask for a copy of your personal data held on the BSR by writing to me.
What Patients Say
Contact Us
Spire Harpenden Hospital
Amrose Lane
(01582) 714 304